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About me

I hold an MA in New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands and a BSc in Persian-English Translations from the University of Payamnour, Tehran, Iran.  My MA thesis concerns the role of Social Media in general and Facebook in particular in education and integration of refugees in the Netherlands.  The title of my thesis is " Ethnographic Study of Facebook Usage among the Persian and Arabic Speaking Refugees and Asylum seekers in Asylum Center in Utrecht"  I have served on the website and social media editorial boards and am a frequent contributor to several journals. Currently, I am holding the position of Editor in Chief at which is a multi-language website focusing on Iranian Tourist attractions.  My research areas include (but not limited to) Social Movements, Fandom, Transmedia, Pedagogy, Social Capital and Ethnic Media.  My most current research focuses on “The Iranian Zoroastria...
Recent posts

Unbelivable. The Zoroastrian community is deprieved of all its rights in Iran

Sepanta Niknam was the only non-Muslim elected to the council in May. A Zoroastrian city councilor in Iran has been suspended from his position,  highlighting an emerging battle over the rights of the country's religious minorities to run for office.

Iranian female rowing team in the Netherlands

According to the Dutch news paper Brabants Dagbladt, the Iranian  female rowing team will camp in the Netherlands Tilburg for 5 weeks. That is to prepare for Rio Olympic games this summer. Source Photo by Afshin Farzam 

Poster Presentation, Fog Screen

This article is originally a short research paper for my graduate school. Pormissed a friend to publish it and here it is: “Contemporary theatre practice distributes the stage into an open, smooth space, as the stage nests within urban space or global space, curls up in the realm of the senses, cuts across the grid of capital, or captures the territory of play.” Nomadic Theatre (Groot Nibbelink, 2015) Introduction A new method of advertisement in “Hoog Catharijne” is to use fog screen and a video projection. This innovative method to address the audience can also be used as an instrument to demonstrate contemporary art. In fact it can serve as a playful media in the notion of smart city. Concept of smart city, new media, digital culture and mobile locative media are subjects of academic discussions. In regards to the mentioned notions, this paper aims to answer how this particular stage manages t...

De terrorist van Sydney vertegenwoordigt niet de Iraanse gemeenschap.

Als lid van de Iraanse gemeenschap in Nederland heb ik het trieste nieuws van de gijzeling in Sydney Australië, gevolgd, die uiteindelijk tragisch is afgelopen door het doden en verwonden van de onschuldige mensen. Ik was geschokt toen ik hoorde dat de terrorist een Iraniërs was die de Islamitische Staat in Irak en Syrië steunde. Het was triest nieuws  omdat we als Iraniërs in het buitenland elke vorm van de radicale islam afwijzen. De Iraanse gemeenschap in Nederland deelt deze mening.Lees de boodschappen, commentaren en artikelen in de sociale media van Iraniërs in Nederland. Iraniërs (Perzen) in Nederland te veroordelen dergelijke terreurdaden. Velen van ons zijn ontsnapt aan de druk van een brutale en politieke Islam die intellectuelen, burgeractivisten en journalisten bestrijden en op de korrel nemen. Zelfs vanuit een historisch oogpunt, werden we, om  de islam te accepteren, al in 651 en uiteindelijke bij de ondergang van het Zoroastrisme in Iran geconfronteerd met do...

KH Kim's Taekwondo Taegeuk 1-8

Death Sentence for “Insulting the Prophet” on Facebook!

An iranian facebook activist (  ‪#‎ Soheil‬ Arabi) is convicted to death penalty by hanging because he wrote a post criticising Mohammad, the prophet of ISISlam!